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Other Tasks include Choir during Days in diocese, skits, dances, performances, Reading and participation in Central events like Papal Welcome, Opening Mass, Via Crucis, Vigil and final Mass.​


Youth first took responsibility of Catechesis Animation in Madrid in 2011 and successfully followed it up in Rio in 2013.
Animation involves:

Welcome of Pilgrims at Catechesis venue.

Choir and music for the Eucharistic Celebration. 

Arranging the lectors, readers, offertory, prayers etc for the Eucharist.

Welcome of Bishop.

Spiritual preparation of the Congregation for Catechesis.

Participation at WYD's


Vicariate level delegations have been attending World Youth days since Rome in 2000. Pilgrims from parishes in the Vicariate have attended Rome 2000, Toronto 2002, Cologne 2005, Sydney 2008, Madrid 2011 and Rio 2013. The numbers have increased from a mere 20 or so in 2000 to a group of 260 that went to Madrid, a 166 to Rio de Janeiro in 2013 and 263 to Krakow, Poland in 2016.


Participation has also progressed from being just mere pilgrims to Pilgrims now actively being part of WYD by Animating at Catechesis venues, being lectors during the main events and even representing the Vicariate at the altar during the Vigil, Via Crucis and the Papal Mass.


We intend to have the same if not richer level of participation during the World Youth days in Panama with teams animating catechesis, singing and being lectors at mass or just conducting prayer sessions. 

All Catholic youth within the age group of 16 to 35 are welcome to register to be a part of our pilgrimage to experience Christ and be Christ to all those that meet us in Panama 2019.

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